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The descriptions of the three hijackers in the story are based on three of the shadier-looking characters from Jonathan's work. I can definitely imagine them using and abusing unfortunate young males. The black guy in particularly is one of my biggest gay crushes...
I wanted to illustrate this post with lots of kinky images of pretty young men in uniform submitting to bigger, older guys. But for once the images in my collection didn't seem quite hardcore enough, and are rather short on bondage and spanking. So first here's a reimagining of my previous manip, with much more of a focus on the unfortunate pilots' uniforms...
Which do you prefer, the shirts and ties of this version, or the more vulnerable nudity of the previous one?
Can you, my readers, understand why I might find this scenario so arousing? Or is it a fantasy that appeals only to me, due to my brain being twisted by witnessing that distressing scene on television all those years ago? (This, along with my fetish for getting scrubbed roughly in the bath by an older man resulting from a kids’ cartoon I witnessed, suggests that even non-sexual scenes can have an effect on the developing sexual psyche).
You can’t get much more helpless than the crew in this manip, so I guess that could appeal to someone with a dominant/submissive kink. Pilots’ uniforms are also rather hot. They can easily be worn in a dominant role...
But there is something so arousing about seeing a proud man in uniform reduced to this level of vulnerability...
I find that male suit-and-tie-style uniforms always have a certain ‘schoolboyish’ quality to them that makes them so suited to submissive roles. And given that the pilots would be well-bred, well-spoken and middle-class, and this is just the kind of person I like to see suffer in my gay fantasies, the appeal is starting to become clear.
Plus there's the whole intergenerational hierarchical thing that means young men in uniform are EXPECTED to service their superiors' cocks...
And of course, very often in porn it's the men in uniform who are doing the dominating of helpless males who may or may not also be part of a service. And as a limp-wristed civilian entitled to wear absolutely no uniform whatsover (except perhaps a sissy cuckold one...) I can definitely understand the reasons why!
I also have a massive thing for bullies. Bullying often means causing pain and suffering just because you can, and I like to think bullies also derive sadistic sexual pleasure from their actions. There’s quite a lot of potential overlap between bullies and criminals – the hijackers are clearly enjoying what they’re doing, and it’s also entirely unnecessary!
I often wonder if male victims in hostage or kidnap scenarios get fucked by the perpetrators. I kinda think they do...
First there is the power rush that it would inevitably give the criminals.
Second would be the thrill a rough criminal would get from having his way with some well-bred, middle-class boy or man.
And thirdly of course, is the fact that spanking and fucking is enjoyable in itself!
And while you’d need to be evil to enjoy actually doing those things in these circumstances, the very fact that these men are robbing or hijacking or kidnapping in the first place suggest they are already irredeemably evil!
Plus there is nothing to stop the crooks’ cruellest whims running riot, and no prospect of any consequences. You imagine they will suffer no remorse at all, laughing happily at the aircrew’s terrible fate when they recount the story to their impressed colleagues in the criminal underworld at a later date.
Now I think about it, the suffering of innocents at the hands of the guilty is a pretty serious turn-on for me. It is after all a pretty obvious taboo – that not only should it be the innocent that suffer rather than the guilty, but that the guilty are the direct cause of and derive pleasure from the innocents’ suffering. Going back to the original Fresh Meat image, it is clear why this image of a helpless, probably innocent young male being ‘thrown to the wolves’ made such a long-lasting impression on me…
So the cruelty of this scenario and its hijacking variation arouses me in a way that I feel extremely uncomfortable about (which probably only adds to its intensity) – and in-universe no doubt arouses and excites the dominant prisoners, guards and hijackers in a way that they feel no guilt about at all! One imagines the hijacker by the door continuing to mock the pilot and co-pilot even as he boots them off the plane (‘Don't look down cocksuckers!) – their abject fear only adding to his erection.
Spare a thought too for the poor rookie pilot. Having been so excited for his maiden flight, he must now witness his colleagues’ fate, knowing it will be his turn soon (as in his helpless position I’m sure the cruel hijackers will take sadistic delight in informing him of their plans...)
Never mind the thrusting cocks in his mouth and ass!